Improving agri-food co-operatives’ capacity by speeding up the development and uptake of future skills-based on digital innovations.
Digital Learning Platform
Project Overview
The project in a nutshell
The #LEADFARM5.0 project aims at analyzing the emerging employment opportunities offered by the digital innovations for a Society 5.0 and subsequently identifying the key skills needed by agri-food co-operatives and young farmers. The project will provide a training curricula to guide all the involved stakeholders in their digital transformation.
Societal Context
As Society 5.0 is introduced to tackle societal problems through the integration of digital components such as Big Data, Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence, in many sectors of society, the agri-food co-operatives sector runs the risk of being left behind in this process of digitalization. #LEADFARM5.0 designs and implements an innovative online training program that can support the agri-food co-operatives in the process of digital transformation.
Basic information
- Erasmus+ KA220-VET - Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training
- 8 partners from 7 countries (Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Spain)
- Duration: 30 months (from 1st November 2021 to 1st May 2024)
- Outcome: Open Educational Resources (OER) for trainers on education of professionals
Project Objectives
Objective 1
Identification of key employment opportunities offered by the innovations of Society 5.0 and the development of a Competency Framework that identifies the key skills needed to harness the advantages of the process of digitalization for agri-food co-operatives and young farmers.
Objective 2
Development of a training curricula comprised of learning modules based on the digital and non-digital skills required. Delivery of the training curricula trough an online gamified training platform supported by a Smart Visual Advisor.
Objective 3
Develop a joint framework agreement that standardizes the needs and parameters of technological, economic, and industrial development that will be at the forefront of the growth strategy of the European agri-food co-operatives for 2030.
Project Results
Competence framework for the EU agri-food co-operatives 2030
A framework that will be aimed at setting the foundation for the generation of a standardized system that will focus on the competencies necessary to develop a specific professional profile. This Competency Framework will provide a clear description of the skills and qualities necessary to build a successful career path tailored to the demands of the job market of 2030.

Smart Virtual Advisor of agri-food co-operatives
The smart virtual advisor o chatbot will be a computer program that will utilize artificial intelligence to interact with users through text or voice. The objective of this tool will be to provide quick answers / solutions to repetitive tasks or common susceptible questions that can be automated, and answers related to the world of co-operatives.

Training curricula: "Hybrid Management of the Agri-Food Industry"
The #LEADFARM5.0 project will develop a comprehensive set of training contents aimed at increasing the resilience of the agri-food co-operative sector to the digital revolution and the climate change. This training curricula will be delivered through an online platform that uses a gamification approach to increase the engagement and motivation of learners.

EU agri-food co-operative deal 5.0
A strategic joint framework collaboration agreement to be signed by an active partnership of different stakeholders from the public, academic, private, and social sector, who agree and accept to guide their efforts and strategies, with the view of achieving the Society 5.0. The deal will establish the guidelines, objectives, and rules on which the entities signing the EU agri-food cooperatives deal 5.0 will cooperate and carry out joint or coordinated actions to facilitate the transition towards Society 5.0.

Our Activities
Phase 1: Stakeholder identification
The consortium partners will identify several stakeholders of the agri-food sector residing in all the #LEADFARM5.0 participating countries. These stakeholders will be categorized and registered in a project database.
Phase 2: Stakeholder interviews
The stakeholders identified and registered in the stakeholder database will be contacted and interviewed by the project partners with the objective of identifying the key elements that will be used to define the skills needed for the digital transformation addressed by the project.
Phase 3: Development of a competency framework
Based on the results of the interview with the stakeholders, the #LEADFARM5.0 partners will design and develop a competency framework that will illustrate all the necessary skills for agri-food co-operatives and young farmers needed for a transition of their sector to Society 5.0.
Phase 4: Development of the training curricula and training materials
A training curricula and training modules will be developed based on the competency framework. The training curricula will be developed considering a subdivision of the training materials in specific categories: ICT, Robotics technologies, Environment, Social & emotional intelligence, Management, and entrepreneurship.
Phase 5: Delivery of the training curricula through the online training platform
In this phase, the training curricula will be delivered to the users (agri-food co-operatives members at various levels) through the online training platform. The trainees will also be assisted by a smart visual advisor.
Latest news

Second Transnational Project Meeting
#LEADFARM5.0 partners met on October 26th for the second Transnationa Project Meeting (TPM). The event was hosted by project partner AGACA in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. The project partners met once again…

KICK-OFF MEETING (First Transnational Project Meeting)
#LEADFARM5.0 partners met on May 25th to kick off the project activities. The event was hosted by the project coordinator ICOS in Dublin, Ireland. The project, through a transnational and collaborative process,…
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